A former Department of Naval Intelligence Scientist discusses our government's most highly classified subject.
by Mark Hines, M.A.
Slender and bespectacled, with a bookish air about himself, Bob Lazar certainly looks the part. In fact, he is a young scientist who has worked on one of our government's most highly classified projects, Galileo, which involves back engineering alien technology. His employment as a Majestic-12 scientist required a clearance 38 levels above Q. Since going public and telling of his work as a senior staff physicist at Area S4 in the Nellis Air Force Range, he has had his life threatened and he has been shot at. Operatives have also erased hospital birth records, college transcripts, and employment records, including those of his employment with Los Alamos National Laboratories and through EG&G.
Considerable evidence supporting his claims
Evidence supporting his claims is considerable. In addition to his claiming Naval Intelligence work at S4 from late 1988 to early 1989, Lazar claimed to have worked at the Meson Physics lab, a part of the Los Alamos National Laboratories. The FBI is still dragging its feet in investigating his employment there, even though former Nevada Congressman James Bilbray asked it to investigate over four years ago. Evidently, FBI agents are still scratching their heads, wondering how to both deny his employment at Los Alamos and explain why his name is in an old telephone directory of Los Alamos scientists. An article by staff writer Terry England in the June 27, 1982 edition of the Los Alamos Monitor, which shows a picture of Lazar standing next to a jet car and refers to his employment as a scientist with Los Alamos, is also hard to explain. Two-dozen odd Los Alamos employees told former KLAS-TV anchor George Knapp that they remembered Lazar. Some of them said that they had been warned not to talk about Lazar and that they were afraid to talk about him. Four of them, though, confirmed for Knapp that Lazar had been working on classified projects there. After denying Lazar's employment there since 1989, Los Alamos in April 1994 finally changed its story and said that he had been employed there. Knapp also talked to former employees of the super-secret Groom Lake base, who corroborated Lazar's description of such details as how one gets to the base dining room, what the dining room looks like, and how one pays for meals there. It's extremely unlikely that an outsider would know such information.
A respected, no-nonsense reporter, Knapp has a master's degree in communications and has won AP and UPI awards for his quality UFO journalism. He accepts Lazar's story because too much of it checks out. In 1989, Lazar passed a lie-detector test arranged by Knapp. At MUFON's 1992 Midwest Conference in Springfield, Missouri, Knapp presented further strong evidence of Lazar's credibility. Lazar had mentioned that a man by the name of Mike Thigpen had visited his house and interviewed him in connection with his S4 employment. Kristen Merck and Mrs. Wayne Higdon, two witnesses who happened to be at Lazar's house, confirmed Thigpen's visit. Knapp rhetorically asks, "How did Bob Lazar know the name Mike Thigpen?"
The Department of Energy confirmed for Knapp that the Office of Federal Investigations (whose phone number is not even listed in Las Vegas phone books) performs background checks on people who get clearances to work at the Nevada Test Site or at Nellis AFB. An employee of OFI called Knapp and confirmed that Thigpen worked for OFI. How did Lazar know that Thigpen did background checks? It took Knapp phone calls, friendly insider governmental contacts, and all his award-winning investigative skills before he found out who Thigpen was. The W-2 form Naval Intelligence mailed Lazar is hard to explain away as well. Knapp has examined this W-2 form, and copies of it have been seen on TV. Further boosting Lazar's credibility, John Andrews, plastic kit division manager of the Testor Corporation, found out that the U.S. Postal Service sends mail with the zip code NIC-01, the code on Lazar's W-2 form, to Naval Intelligence command in Maryland.
Also hard to explain away is the unusual response the State of Nevada reveived when it requested documents about Lazar from the federal government. The reply said that information on Bob Lazar was on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know. This kind of reply is consistent with Lazar's having had a high security clearance.
Further supporting evidence
On October 17, 1993 Knapp, after recently returning from his trip to Russia, gave some news on Art Bell's Area 2000 radio show. Knapp's contact in Russia was a general who reported directly to the Russian counterpart of the Pentagon's chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Knapp said that in the summer of 1988, a Soviet spy satellite took pictures of the Papoose Lake area. One of the photos shows roads that lead into nearby hills where Lazar said the discs were stored. Parked busses with blacked-out windows are shown near the hanger area. (In early interviews, Lazar had specifically mentioned being transported from Groom Lake to S4 in busses with blacked-out windows.) Before May, 1989 (the date of Lazar's first appearance on KLAS TV), Soviet satellites took only one or two photos of S4 a month, but after that date they took them daily. For sale at sky-high prices, the photos are cataloged according to date, time, and satellite.
Antimatter reaction and gravity amplification
On several local Las Vegas radio shows and on Chuck Harder's national For the People radio show, Lazar has answered questions on the propulsion system of flying saucers, or "discs" as our government calls them. According to documents Lazar read at S4, discs fly by amplifying gravitational waves. Gravity is actually two waves, identified as gravity A and gravity B. Gravity A is at the atomic level. That is, the wave does not extend beyond the molecular bond except in element 115. This slight extension allows the wave to be accessed and amplified. Gravity A is currently called the strong nuclear force. The propulsion system is an antimatter reactor. In the disc Lazar crawled inside, the reactor was a sphere, about the size of a medicine ball. The top half of it was visible in the middle of the floor. Fuel for the reactor is element 115, ununpentium. On a periodic table, ununpentium, a super-heavy metal, would be listed as UUP. It has a melting point of 1,740 degrees Celsius. When it is bombarded with protons, it becomes element 116, an element that gives off anti-matter. In the reactor, there is an annihilation reaction between matter and anti-matter.
The copper-orange colored fuel pellet aliens use is about the size of a fifty-cent piece, and it weighs about 223 grams. Supporting the claim that ununpentium is a stable element, Lazar notes, ". . . in that heavy ion research facility [GSI] in Germany, they just discovered that in their dabbling in transmuting elements, and as we got higher up on the periodic chart their half lives got shorter and shorter. Well, for the first time they came up with element 109, I think, and the half life became longer, and they are seriously considering that this may be a trend and that it may lead up to a stable element. And they theorize that it would be in the 115 area. And, in fact, this is true, and this is what this element is; it is essentially stable."
The wave that is produced from the matter-antimatter reaction is present on the spherical reactor. Attached to the reactor is a transparent wave guide which is tuned in such a manner that it provides an easy path for the wave to take. It takes less effort for the wave to travel up the wave guide than go elsewhere. The bottom of the tapered wave guide touches the top of the reactor, while the top of the wave guide extends to the ceiling. Electric power is produced in thermoelectric generators located at the bottom of the reactor. The generators are virtually 100% efficient.
The gravity amplifiers themselves are three tubes about two feet in diameter and four feet long. They are arranged in a triangular configuration below a false floor and above the bottom of the craft. The reactor is centered between the three amplifiers because the wave is also present at the bottom of the reactor. The reactor acts as a transmitter, similar to a Tesla Coil, in that each amplifier is independently tuned to function as an amplifying receiver. Gravity waves have amplitude, wavelength and frequency, just as any other wave does. As the amplitude is increased, gravitational waves bend space around the disc. Each of the three gravity amplifiers produces its own gravitational wave, and, depending on how the amplifiers are oriented, gravity waves can be focused on a point or spread out. On gimbols, each amplifier can operate independently. The waves are phase shifted, which changes the wave's orientation and plane from zero to 180 degrees, thereby changing the attraction or repulsion of the wave. When a disc operates on only one amplifier, standing on a pedestal of gravity, it is said to operate in an omicron configuration. In this configuration, the other two amplifiers are freed for other uses--such as picking up cattle.
In the delta configuration, discs operate on all three amplifiers. This configuration is used in space for long-distance travel. In space, a disc tilts over on its back so that the gravitational amplifiers focus on where the disc is going, and the propulsion system is powered up, amplifying gravitational waves that are out of phase with Earth's gravity. The amplified gravitational waves distort space and time or "space-time" as it is referred to in the documents. That gravity distorts or warps space is currently known in mainstream physics. That is why astronomers, at certain positions during an eclipse, can see stars that are directly behind the sun (the sun's gravity causes the star's light to bend around the sun). That gravity distorts time is also known. For example, if you and a friend have atomic clocks synchronized to each other and your friend climbs a mountain or goes up in an airplane, the clocks will be out of sync when your friend returns (your clock is in a stronger gravitational field). In short, the disc warps space-time, attaches itself to the warp and snaps back. Imagine a thin sheet of rubber stretched out (this represents space). Now, put a ball bearing on the sheet (this represents the disc). Now, with your fingers under the sheet, pinch the rubber at a point some distance from the ball bearing. Keeping the rubber pinched, move the pinch to the ball bearing. As you bring the pinch back to its original position, the ball bearing will follow. This is an analogy of what happens.
Of the nine discs, each different, kept in interconnecting hangers, Lazar had hands-on experience with one he dubbed the "Sportmodel" because of its sleek appearance. It was about 52 feet in diameter. Before he worked on it, he was shown a short demonstration of its ascending about 30 feet, moving to the left, then to the right, and then alighting. Before ascending, the disc briefly gave off a corona discharge, a sound similar to that of high-voltage electricity, and then it was completely silent, its bottom glowing blue. The hissing and glowing are by-products of the tremendous electromagnetic pulses generated from the craft. Inside the Sportmodel, Lazar saw a console and children-sized chairs. There were no 90 degree angles inside, and everything appeared softly rounded.
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According to the documents, the aliens are identified as being from Zeta 2 Reticuli, the second star of a binary system in the constellation Reticulum. They come from the fourth planet out. A day on their planet is about 90 hours long. Although it is about 37 light years from Zeta 2 Reticuli to Earth, discs take very little time to cover the distance because discs do not travel in a linear mode. (Speed is defined as distance divided by time. And since discs operate by warping time itself and space itself, a more complicated formula than s = d/t is needed to describe what happens.) It is not so much that discs break Einstein's famous rule that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light; it's more accurate that discs get around the rule altogether. Recall that Einstein died trying to understand gravity. According to Lazar, gravity propagates instantly.
When traveling at relatively slow speeds near a planet, discs again use gravity, but in a different way. This time discs balance on gravity waves and "fall" in the direction they want to go. Gravitational waves from the disc are phase shifted into the planet's gravity. Although discs are more unstable in this mode, they can still perform maneuvers that are beyond the capabilities of conventional aircraft--such as making 90 degree turns on a dime or accelerating rapidly. Those inside the discs experience no G forces during these maneuvers.
The Lazar Tape ($33.45) can be bought from Tri-Dot Productions, 2413 South Eastern Ave., Suite 225, Las Vegas, Nevada 89104. A three-view poster ($20) of the Sportmodel is also available. Background scenery in the poster is from the actual Soviet spy satellite photograph taken of S4 July 17, 1988. In July 1994, the Testor Corporation came out with a 48th scale plastic model of the Sportmodel.
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